Henry David Thoreau wrote, “be not merely good; be good for something.” There are plenty of good people in this party, but it is not enough just to be good. Goodness without action leaves evil in motion.
There are also plenty of people in this party who appreciate the rights that being an American citizen confers. However, rights do not exist unless people take on the responsibility to define and defend them. For good people to have the rights and opportunities they deserve they have to take on the responsibility of doing what it takes to advance their beliefs.
Rights and responsibility… there has always been a balance in America society. In our Founders earliest thoughts they united their belief in great principles… to their recognition of the responsibility that must be undertaken to preserve them. In the Declaration of Independence they said “[w]e hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, they added “[t]hat to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” Our rights don’t just exist we must secure them, define and defend them.
There has never been a time when the ideals we live by, such as Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Individuality faced graver threats than they do in the 21st Century. Now more than ever, we need young people charging ahead, leading by example, changing the status quo and righting our ship of state. Our generation cannot be content to leave the world as we found it, otherwise there might not be much left for the next generation.
Each and every one of you are, right now, capable of being an active participant in bettering our condition. Young people have been unfairly characterized in our society and, no one seems to expect excellence from our young people. However, in looking at the current state of affairs, we cannot afford to expect anything but excellence from this generation. The coming years may indeed be times that try men’s souls. America, your communities, and this world – more than ever – needs this generation to be the next great generation. More than ever we cannot afford the sunshine patriot and those that shrink from the service of their country, our communities and our party.
If you love America you will serve it and its citizens.
These thoughts were offered by Tim Brennan, PAYD's National Committeeman on the occasion of our nations 231st birthday.