Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And now, a note from our Intern

Politics is my life and I am very enthusiastic thinking about all that can be accomplished through political means. Pursuing my degree in Political Science is often looked down upon by my peers and friends. The reason this occurs is because people have such a distorted vision of what politics actually entales and what the processes are for passing legislation and accomplishing policy objectives. The average person only sees the negative side of politics, but does not see the positive results that political activity can accomplish.

Interning for the Pennsylvania Young Democrats, I have seen this positive side of politics, through the people and organization. Working with Executive Director Paul McKrell, I have obtained and gained many life lessons and political skills that I will carry with me in my endeavors. Each day I go to work knowing that I am working for an organization that is doing what the young people want and accomplishing many goals for the Democratic Party. This organization has many things to offer and I am pleased that I have had the privilege of working for such a great cause and group of people!

Tim Knecht,
Intern, PA Young Democrats
Vice-President, PA College Democrats

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sunshine Patriot

Henry David Thoreau wrote, “be not merely good; be good for something.” There are plenty of good people in this party, but it is not enough just to be good. Goodness without action leaves evil in motion.

There are also plenty of people in this party who appreciate the rights that being an American citizen confers. However, rights do not exist unless people take on the responsibility to define and defend them. For good people to have the rights and opportunities they deserve they have to take on the responsibility of doing what it takes to advance their beliefs.

Rights and responsibility… there has always been a balance in America society. In our Founders earliest thoughts they united their belief in great principles… to their recognition of the responsibility that must be undertaken to preserve them. In the Declaration of Independence they said “[w]e hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, they added “[t]hat to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” Our rights don’t just exist we must secure them, define and defend them.


There has never been a time when the ideals we live by, such as Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Individuality faced graver threats than they do in the 21st Century. Now more than ever, we need young people charging ahead, leading by example, changing the status quo and righting our ship of state. Our generation cannot be content to leave the world as we found it, otherwise there might not be much left for the next generation.

Each and every one of you are, right now, capable of being an active participant in bettering our condition. Young people have been unfairly characterized in our society and, no one seems to expect excellence from our young people. However, in looking at the current state of affairs, we cannot afford to expect anything but excellence from this generation. The coming years may indeed be times that try men’s souls. America, your communities, and this world – more than ever – needs this generation to be the next great generation. More than ever we cannot afford the sunshine patriot and those that shrink from the service of their country, our communities and our party.

If you love America you will serve it and its citizens.

These thoughts were offered by Tim Brennan, PAYD's National Committeeman on the occasion of our nations 231st birthday.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

You and Me in the Big D

YDA Convention
PAYD has 7 remaining slots open to join our delegation in Dallas July 18-21 at the Young Democrats of America Convention. Confirmed speakers include Presidential candidate John Edwards. Scholarships are available.

PAYD President Payton and our delegation will vote on a new Executive Board to succeed YDA President Chris Gallaway's board. Under Gallaway's leadership, YDA has grown from a budget of less than $50,000 in 2002 to over $2,500,000 in 2007. Pennsylvania has received ample financial help over the years, including two immensely successful campaign programs, so come and help us work to continue our partnership with YDA in Dallas.

To apply to this golden opportunity to network with young Democrats from around the country, listen to dynamic speakers, attend invaluable workshops, and enjoy some Southern hospitality with the new PAYD board, please reply to this email.

Come Commit to a Committee!


The Pennsylvania Young Democrats are currently accepting applications to serve on one of our standing committees. Zzzzzz, zzzzzzz, zzzzzzzz. No seriously, people, wake up and read!
You know how you are always talking about getting involved?
Always musing that if only there was something substantial for you to do, you'd do it?
Always talking a good game about being down with transforming your generation?
O, yes, yes, I know you too well. It's time to put up - it's your golden opportunity to get active!
Join our new board, including President Tony Payton Jr and Vice President Chelsa Wagner, two elected rising stars in the PA State House, and change the face of Pennsylvania politics by joining our organization in an official capacity.
We need you to serve on one of these six committees:
Constitution, Communications, Community Service, Campaigns, Finance, or Policy and Research.
The most immediate need is for your help in reshaping, rewording and revising our Constitution. Simply put, it's a mess.
Please indicate your preference of committee and send your resume and/or a brief description of your relevant history to info@payd.org The deadline to receive applications is July 6, 2007. President Payton, Vice President Wagner and the board will then review your applications.
(O, and by the way, in case you are confused, the picture above is not an actual picture of a PAYD committee - it is, however, a desperate plea for help. If you join our Communications Committee, such horribly awkward graphics will never be used again.)