Sunday, April 15, 2007

There's gonna be a new mayor in town

Five candidates; Chaka Fattah, Bob Brady, Dwight Evans, Tom Knox, and Michael Nutter, are running hard for the nomination of the Democratic Party in the race to become the next Mayor of Philadelphia. In a wide open campaign every candidate is trying to capture the attention and votes of young voters. Check out their websites for more information:

The Philadelphia Young Democrats have been getting involved by promoting voter registration before the May 15th Primary, and educating citizens on the other elections taking place this year.

In addition to Philadelphia's Mayoral race, City Council, and Judgeships are also in play this year. We recently organized a successful meet and greet, Judges & Junkfood, that allowed young democrats to meet judicial candidates. It was a lot of fun, and informational for all involved.

Check out our site for more information and make sure to register to vote!

-The Philadelphia Young Democrats

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