Monday, October 15, 2007

REACH Scholarship

ACTION ALERT: PAYD President Tony Payton Jr has introduced a brilliant piece of legislation in the State House. Here's a letter he sent out to Democrats and Republicans alike.

My Fellow Pennsylvanians:

Over the next few months, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives will be debating the Reliable Education for College Hopefuls (REACH) Scholarship Initiative. The REACH Scholarship is legislation I wrote that will provide a full scholarship, covering tuition and fees, to all high school students, regardless of their economic background, gender, race and/or religious affiliation. Every public, private and parochial school student who meets the base criteria would be eligible for the REACH Scholarship. In essence, for a student to be eligible for REACH, they must maintain a 3.0 GPA and have an attendance over 90%. Ultimately, if this legislation passes, every parent will be able to tell their child, “If you show up to school everyday and work hard you will have the opportunity to go to college.”

The REACH Scholarship, however, is not a “give away” program. It is an investment in the state’s future. Pennsylvania currently has one of the most expensive state school systems in the country. The cost of tuition is increasing far quicker than the rate of inflation. In a 10 year period between 1987 and 1997, Pennsylvania college tuitions increased by 132%. High costs in college tuition have resulted in the troubling phenomenon commonly referred to as the “brain drain”; where college bound students seek higher education outside of the commonwealth. Many of these students graduate and are employed outside of the state as well, resulting in the loss of a young tax base and intellectual capital. Unless the “brain drain” issue is addressed, Pennsylvanians will be met with a daunting burden as taxpayers, similar to the projected social security crisis the nation as a whole will face. This is due to the fact that Pennsylvania has the fastest growing elderly population in the United States and a declining growth in population among 18-44 year olds. Accordingly, Pennsylvanians will have to face significant tax hikes to support our elderly population, unless we reverse this demographic trend. By giving Pennsylvania’s best and brightest an incentive to stay within the commonwealth both during and after college, the REACH scholarship will create a stronger tax base of young professionals, which will encourage economic growth and combat the population crisis that threatens the state’s financial future.

The REACH scholarship is not a “pie in the sky” idea. Georgia enacted a similar initiative, the HOPE scholarship, in 1993. Since then, they have sent over 700,000 Georgians to college. The HOPE has had a profound affect on Georgia’s economy as well. Georgia’s employment has grown by 27% since HOPE’s inception, which is twice that of the national average. Also, Georgia’s population living in poverty fell by 23% during this tenure. Needless to say, the HOPE scholarship has been and continues to be a key factor in Georgia’s economic success in the last 15 years. I am confident that the REACH scholarship would have similar results on Pennsylvania’s economy and educational system, seeing as the initiative is based off the HOPE scholarship.

I have worked diligently on this legislation with the leaders of Pennsylvania from both parties, including Speaker of the House Dennis O’Brien (R) and House Education Committee Chairman James Roebuck (D). I believe this bipartisan endeavor will provide an opportunity to strengthen Pennsylvania’s economy and change the culture of education in the commonwealth. My hope is that you would join me in this effort. If you have any questions or would like to express your support for the REACH scholarship, please contact my office at 215-744-7901.

-Representative Tony Payton, Jr.


In favor of REACH? Sign our petition by clicking here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Canvassing for Obama!

The presidential race starts long before Election Day ’08. Right now, Democratic presidential candidates all want the party nomination, but to win that, the need to win in state primaries. Key states include New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina. Recently I went to Florence, South Carolina to canvass for Barack Obama. Regardless of your politics, the experience is worth sharing.

After a six hour bus ride from Washington, DC and a stop at Waffle House, our group was welcomed by Obama staff to sleep on a dirty gym floor at the local middle school, complete with dust and bugs. Lights were out at 1 a.m. and wake-up was 8:30 a.m. Then we were to go to headquarters for further instruction.

The morning came fast and after a breakfast of donuts, we were whisked away to headquarters to start canvassing potential voters.

Canvassing is surveying voters to see how people will vote in the primaries and why. This is useful to candidates because they can determine how to best allocate their campaign efforts and talk to voters about the issue on which they vote. There are a few different ways to canvass.

For the first part of the day I went door-to-door asking residents if

  1. they and any other eligible residents were registered to vote
  2. if so, who would they vote for in the primaries
  3. if they were decided ask why they were for that candidate
  4. or if undecided ask what issues mattered to them

My canvass partner and I knocked on dozens of houses, but most people did not answer. However, out of the ones that did, we received valuable results. When finished we returned to HQ.

Then I got a chance to do phone-banking. Lots of people find this boring or tedious, but it’s really a less intrusive and more efficient way to gather the information needed. Phone-banking is like canvassing only over the phone. I called up residents, and if they answered, I asked who they would vote for in the primaries and why. Most people were responsive, but not many people picked up the phone. After a few calls, it was lunch time and we were treated to some good Southern cooking and sweet tea.

The last part of the day was called “visibility”. The purpose of visibility is to raise awareness of a candidate in an area. Our group carried our Obama signs and made a beeline for the busiest intersection in town. Waving and yelling in attempts to get cars to honk for Obama was how I spent the rest of my afternoon. This got the highest response from citizens by far. Granted, the reactions ranged greatly, from cars honking and cheering to others booing and waving Confederate flags. But the point was that people were aware that Obama has presence in South Carolina and needs the vote. It really got the message out there.

This experience was far more encouraging because of the number of young people involved. Most of us were under the age of 30, but we believed we had the power to change something despite our “lack of experience.” It was pretty awesome to see kids my age psyched for a cause other than the latest Xbox 360 game. It was a fun way to get involved in something that matters. I encourage all my friends to go out and support their cause and their candidate.

-Rita Turpin

(Editor's Note: If you have an experience working or volunteering for another candidate, feel free to submit an article by emailing

YDA Mid-Atlantic Report

I’d like to take this opportunity as Pennsylvania’s only elected officer of YDA’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Caucus to update you on what was accomplished at our last national meeting in Dallas, Texas. Our convention in Dallas was replete with inexorable enthusiasm. It was a wonderful experience to get the chance to talk with so many YDs from across the country about all the exciting things going on in their home states; however, nowhere was there more happening than in our own Mid-Atlantic Region. All six of our member states and the District of Columbia had something exciting to report about during our time together in the lone star state.

West Virginia recapped on our last regional meeting which they hosted in Sheppardtown. Congratulations also go out to the new Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Rod Snyder. Rod, a former American Idol contestant, was recently elected President of the West Virginia Young Democrats.

Young Democrats have been on the move in Delaware for some time, but as a state Delaware had not previously been officially chartered with YDA. Delaware changed that recently and has now become a member state of YDA. Present to report at our meeting was the new President of the Delaware YDs, and we look forward to working with him and the chapter he represents.

Our friends in Washington D.C. spoke on the importance of the House Bill giving permanent representation to the District of Columbia. They also successfully lobbied their position in the YDA Platform Committee, The Minority Caucus, and the LGBT Caucus.

Maryland was proud to report on the diversity and overall number of delegates that they were able to bring to the convention; the second largest and most diverse in our region behind Pennsylvania. Maryland also announced their intentions to seek the right to host YDA’s spring 2008 convention. They have proposed either Baltimore or Annapolis. Also noteworthy was the election of Maryland’s own Brown-Sugar Stallings as an officer of the Minority Caucus. She will serve a two year term as the caucus’ new Parliamentarian.

New Jersey was able to boast a delegation of nineteen; the largest in their state’s history. New Jersey was also proud to have their own Marshall Spevak elected Vice Chair of the College Caucus.

The Commonwealth of Virginia has much to be proud of with the election of Virginia Young Democrat Amy Lewis as the new YDA Treasurer. Amy was previously the Deputy Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region where many of us came to know her for her hard work and dedication. Virginia also boasts the election of Ben Spangenberg as the new Chair of the Disabilities Caucus and the re-election of Atima Omara-Alwala as the Chair of the Women’s Caucus. Atima also currently serves as the Secretary of the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Last, but certainly not least, our very own Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enjoyed the distinction of being the second largest delegation in attendance behind California. Our delegation also enjoyed one of the largest pick-ups in caucus elections and committee appointments: Alicia Froio was elected Chair of the High School Caucus, Stephanie Strazisar was elected Treasurer of the Labor Caucus, and I was elected Parliamentarian of the Labor Caucus. In addition Abe Haupt, President of Montgomery YDs, has been appointed the Mid-Atlantic Coordinator for the Jewish Caucus and Dan Tyman, former President of Chester YDs, has been appointed the Mid-Atlantic Coordinator for the Labor Caucus.

Before we adjourned our meeting we addressed Resolutions proposed by some of our members. Resolutions were adopted honoring Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson, Gov. Ann Richards, the victims of the recent Virginia Tech massacre, and the Amateur Radio Operators. We will convene again at the YDA Fall convention in New Hampshire, and if you’re able to come, we’d love to see you there.

Democratically Yours,

Rocco Giammaria

President, Beaver County YD

Report From State Committee

Three times per year our Democratic State Committee meets to bring together each county party in the Commonwealth. In addition to each county’s delegation the PAYD has a representative as well. As your State Committee representative I would like to report to you on what transpired at our most recent meeting in Harrisburg. We met during the first full weekend of September to address several old issues and some new.

Along the line of old issues we picked up where we had left off during our last regular meeting. During our previous meeting we had voted to table several resolutions until such time as the members had the opportunity to fully review proposed amendments. Though not all of the resolutions previously tabled made it back to the floor for a vote most were.

In all we voted on five separate resolutions, though not all made it. The four that did pass were: an endorsement of Governor Rendell’s energy independence strategy submitted by State Committee Chairman T.J. Rooney, a resolution supporting U.S. military personnel and a call to develop an “Exit Strategy” submitted by Southwest Caucus Chair Jack Hanna, a resolution calling for legislative support of an LGBT non-discrimination bill submitted by Mary Shupp-George, Chair of the newly formed LGBT Caucus, and a resolution calling for the adoption of voter verifiable paper trail ballots submitted by the Berks County Democratic Committee.

The one resolution that did not make it was one submitted by the Chester County Democratic Committee. This was a resolution calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney. This resolution proved to be as contentious this time around as it was when it was first tabled at our last meeting. Many girded themselves to steadfastly support the resolution though; it ultimately failed to make it to the floor for a vote. The failure of the resolution was attributed to the majority of committee members subscribing to the argument that the resolution would not have any effect other than to undercut the objectives of our newly elected national majority. These members felt that in order to build upon our new charge that we should follow Speaker Pelosi’s policy. The intent is to not create the perception that we are “playing politics” by initiating impeachment hearings that would never have the time to come to fruition; and to instead work on delivering the promises of our platform to the American people.

Our new major piece of business was to address the new spot opened up for a candidate to the state Superior Court. With Republican Judge Joyce deciding not to seek retention this year due to serious allegations of insurance fraud we now have the chance not only to gain a slight majority on the Superior Court, but to expand upon that. Overwhelmingly we chose Judge John Younge of Philadelphia. Ironically Judge Younge was the only Superior Court candidate to get the necessary votes for endorsement during the Primary Election, but lost. We are glad to have a candidate like Judge Younge back on the ballot. We will convene again after the General Election, and we look forward to celebrating well earned victories from across our Commonwealth with you on election night.

-Rocco Giammaria

President, Beaver County YD

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What I Did for My Summer Vacation: Democracy in Action

Some kids went to the beach this summer, waited up all night for the release of Harry Potter or sat on the couch channel surfing. I worked. Lucky me, and I mean that with all sincerity.

While other college students read political philosophy books, I got to see democracy in action. For six weeks, I interned at Congressman Mike Doyle’s office in downtown Pittsburgh. Many of my friends who had already interned at other offices said it was boring and tedious work like envelope stuffing. This wasn’t so at for me. Some of my work was answering phones and directing constituents, but I also was directly involved in over 100 passport cases.

As you may well know, this summer was a disaster for the State Department and passports. But I got some unique insight into what a Congressman really does. Members of Congress actually do help their constituents! Lots of apathetic teens and young adults may find this as a greater shock than the latest Britney Spears scandal, but it’s true. Congressmen have staff that does all sorts of things like help you expedite your passport, help find government housing if you qualify, or even understand how to apply for student loans. However, the most important thing I noticed in Congressman Doyle’s office was that constituents could leave their opinion and be heard, not just call if they had a problem with a Federal agency.

Let me go into some of the details on Congressional passport processes. Most of what happens is pretty simple. A constituent calls in to track a passport they applied for over 16 weeks ago. I take down some information and contact details. After the phone call I contact the National Passport Agency to locate their passport. If it isn’t done, I can request an “expedite” or even a Congressional Upgrade or a same-day-issue if the travel date is within 48 hours. Afterwards, I contact the constituent on how the case is being handled and possible outcomes. Most congressional work is like that. There are processes and appeals that the congressman’s office staff goes through to ensure that it is either the right outcome or, if something’s wrong, correct and appeal any errors and decisions from Federal agencies.

Another very important role of the congressman is to listen to constituent opinion on legislation. I received many calls and messages about immigration and Medicare reform. However, I was a little disappointed in the lack of youth participation on important national issues. Again, I think young adults are seriously disenfranchised with government for many reasons and become apathetic because they feel insignificant. That couldn’t be more inaccurate. It is our silence that makes us insignificant.

An old saying is “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” and it holds true for government. You need to be involved, yes you’re young and maybe not as experienced, but it’s all good. You still have energy (after a trip to Starbuck’s) and you can make a difference if you put forth the effort. After working in Congressman Doyle’s office, I knew that being involved in my government was a right, a duty, and a joy. Congressman Doyle and his awesome staff showed me what a Congressman did and that my voice did matter.

In his office, every constituent counted, no matter who he/she was. Action wasn’t reserved only for the powerful; help was given where it could to all who asked. Working in Congressman Doyle’s office affirmed my faith in government and assured me that there is a place for young Americans to be involved.

-Rita Turpin

(Rita is a member of the PAYD Communications Committee and attends American University in Washington, DC. Congressman Mike Doyle, pictured, represents Pennsylvania's 14th Congressional District and is a tremendous supporter of PAYD.)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Perspective on Dallas

If anyone wasn't in Dallas (and why weren't you?) for the 2007 YDA National Convention, I believe Paul McKrell's recap of it should give you a pretty good idea of what went on. But I think it only covers part of why these conventions are so important. Paul nodded in the direction of the social networking aspect, and I feel that's a very important aspect of what went on in Dallas. I was one of the people who didn't serve on a single committee, didn't run for any office, wasn't involved in any caucuses or elections and I even missed quite a few speakers (though, thankfully, not the amazing John Edwards). But I still feel that Dallas was not just an enjoyable time but an extremely productive one and very beneficial for me to attend. Why?

Quite simply, if you put this many bright, dedicated Democrats in one place you're bound to have some amazing discussions and meet some fascinating people. Within hours of showing up in Dallas I found myself talking to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee. The ability to have private, informal conversations with someone like that or with Chuck Rocha of the USW is not just a privilege, but its a learning experience. On my last night in Dallas, our National Committeeman Tim Brennan and I sat and had drinks with a former Executive Director & Treasurer of the Texas YDs. This is truly my favorite part of these conventions: the access to people who have gone through so many years of advancing the Democratic cause and are willing to share their accumulated wisdom with the next generation of leaders.

But that isn't the only important benefit. The peer-to-peer contact is outstanding. For starters, there's a morale boost from talking to so many people who are fighting the same fight, frequently under worse conditions. Where I'm from, in Chester County, it's tough to be a Democrat. We win, but we have to fight like Ulysses to do it. But when you talk to our proud, fighting Democrats in a place like Alabama, where their uphill climb is something on par with K2, it really makes you appreciate how important our work is here and how lucky we are to be in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Another great aspect of peer-to-peer contact is the intermixing of ideas. I came back bursting with ideas, both in how to make the YDs stronger and how to better run campaigns. There's a lot more to swapping war stories than just fun. Not only are you learning new tricks but you're teaching them to others.

This doesn't just apply to our contact with people from other states. The sheer amount of camaraderie that is built amongst a delegation is truly impressive. Our Commonwealth is blessed with a plethora of bright and dedicated people, and most of them I had only met in passing at state committee meetings. I had the privilege of traveling with Dan Lodise of Philadelphia and Danny Bauder of Luzerne County. Being able to spend time with people like this and discuss the challenges facing our commonwealth, our party, our organization... there's just no price that can be put on that. In fact, I'd wager that I learned more about politics from going to this convention than I did from being a Political Science major (and I can definitely put a price on that!). And the working relationships that grow out of it are an important part of making our very, very, very large commonwealth a much smaller place.

Overall, I think that these conventions are a terrific way of growing the future of the Democratic Party, and I think that everyone should try their utmost to be at the next one.

- Dan Tyman,
PAYD Corresponding Secretary

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

PAYD in Dallas!

The Pennsylvania Young Democrats sent a 28 member delegation to the 2007 Young Democrats of America Convention in Dallas, Texas. PAYD’s Executive Board, including State Representatives Tony Payton Jr and Chelsa Wagner, were joined by a diverse group of young Pennsylvanians from all walks of life and every corner of the commonwealth.

The four day convention that began on July 18th included invaluable seminars by political professionals from organizations like Emily’s List, the NAACP, Young Voter Strategies and the DNC. Topics included not only traditional workshops like fundraising, media and field, but issue discussions from experts on the Iraq War, climate change and college affordability. The Pennsylvania delegation especially enjoyed presentations by YDA Political Director Tony Cani and YDA Finance Director Andrea Pagano. In addition, YDA’s five state executive directors, including Pennsylvania’s, presented seminars on emerging aspects of youth organizing, such as using social networking websites as political tools and peer-to-peer organizing.

A highlight of the Dallas experience was the speeches of Democratic stalwarts like radio host Jim Hightower, Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope and General Wesley Clark. A particularly powerful moment came when former Senator John Edwards took to the stage to detail his advocacy for America’s poorest citizens. His clarion call that "It's time for the president to ask America to be patriotic about something other than war," brought the Pennsylvania delegation to their feet in approval.

The Keystone State was doubly proud to witness two of their favorite sons take the main stage before the audience of 750 delegates and guests. Jon Soltz of gave an impassioned history of his involvement in ending Bush’s unjust war and bringing our troops back to America’s shores. Soltz, a Pittsburgh native, is a nationally recognized authority who has appeared on numerous cable news programs giving voice to the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Chuck Rocha of the United Steelworkers (USW) told the assembly about his unique experience being the youngest Political Director of a major labor union in the country while detailing the miserable record of the Bush White House on issues that affect working Americans. Thanks to Rocha’s strong support of PAYD and its mission to build a reliable voting bloc of young voters in Pennsylvania, PAYD and the USW have begun a partnership to work for common goals in 2008 and beyond.

True, when many think of young people and conventions, they think of networking, social events and partying. Not to disappoint, a few very memorable evenings were enjoyed by Pennsylvania’s delegation, including a reception hosted by the five state executive directors. Nevertheless, this convention was about work – and our delegation rose to their duties each morning.

Special thanks goes to Tara Reynolds, our National Committeewoman, who represented PAYD during the 14 hours that the YDA Platform Committee met to discuss issues of national import affecting young America. Josh Pasek, our former National Committeeman, sat on the Rules and Bylaws Committee, while Tim Brennan, our current National Committeeman, joined the Credentials Committee. In addition to these YDA standing committees, all of our delegates attended the meetings of the various caucuses that carry out much of the work that Young Democrats do.

Josh Pasek at Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting

PAYD members participated in the GLBT, Women’s and Rural caucuses, but other caucuses saw Pennsylvanians assume leadership roles. Winning elections were Stephanie Strasizar and Rocco Giammaria in the Labor Caucus, Nyota Robinson in the Disability Issues Caucus and Alexandra Wood in the College Caucus. Josh Pasek regained his position as chair of the Jewish Caucus while Alicia Froio, the youngest member of our delegation, won her election to become the new chair of the High School Caucus. PAYD believes that a targeted effort to organize among high school students is a critical goal in 2008. We can’t wait to begin working with Alicia and all of the other caucus officers over the next two years.

Those elections were the prelude to the main event: the election of new officers to replace the administration of Chris Gallaway, who held the presidency for four years. Under Gallaway’s leadership, YDA increased its staff from 1 part-time employee to 10 full-time professionals while membership increased to 150,000. The most impressive statistic is the growth of YDA’s annual budget from $70,000 to well over $1,000,000 this year! Pennsylvania received its fair share from that budget in matching money paying for our two very successful peer-to-peer voter contact campaigns in 2004 and 2006. PAYD extends its thanks to Gallaway and our best wishes for the future.

In his stead, the Young Democrats of America elected a bold new leader from the conventions host state, David Hardt of Texas. Receiving over 90% of the delegates’ votes, Hardt, YDA’s first openly gay president, spoke from his heart during his acceptance speech by promising to reinvigorate YDA from top to bottom. Hardt’s new executive committee includes some of PAYD’s best friends, such as Vice Presidents Chris Anderson of Tennessee, A’shanti Gholar of Nevada and Josh Blevins, former president of Pennsylvania’s sister organization in the great state of Arkansas. PAYD is thrilled to see Amy Lewis of Virginia elected to the office of Treasurer and Stephanie Hausner assuming the role of Secretary. In our hopes that young people are fully represented at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, PAYD can think of no stronger advocate than our friend Crystal Strait of California, newly elected YDA National Committeewoman. Together, these officers make an impressive team that we expect will make an indelible mark on YDA for years to come.

PAYD Members with YDA President Hardt

In the opinion of this humble scribe, the 2007 YDA National Convention was a tremendous success. We would like to thank President Payton, who acted as our chief ambassador throughout the convention, and Abe Haupt, who enthusiastically served as our Delegation Chair. We would be remiss not to thank Alexandra Acker, YDA’s phenomenal new Executive Director, YDA’s Convention Director Amber Goodwin, and YDA Intern Tiana Epps-Johnson for making our Dallas experience so memorable.

PAYD’s large, vocal and active delegation made our presence felt in Dallas. As we chart a new course through 2008, we will look back at the time we shared at convention as the beginning of a new chapter in our continual growth.

-Paul McKrell

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Importance of Local Races

For those of us involved in the YDs, we've all heard it: 2007 is an off year. Okay, maybe not those of you in Philadelphia. But for the rest of us, it's generally considered an off year. We don't have Congressional elections, and we certainly don't have a Presidential election (although with the way things are going, the Iowa Caucuses may be sometime in mid-September). But this is far from an off year.

Local elections matter. It is extremely difficult to overstate this point. The conservatives took over this country by starting on local elections, school boards and township supervisors. These are the people who are going to make decisions that most closely impact peoples lives. These are the people who are going to someday be Representatives, Senators and Governors. These are races we can win too. And they're particularly important for us Young Democrats. Why?

For starters, let's talk about why these offices can be so important. Here in Chester County, we have a three member Board of Commissioners: two majority and one minority. There has never been two Democrats on this Board. We have a chance to change that this year (full disclosure: I am currently employed by one of the Democratic Commissioner campaigns). This is vital to us here. By changing this, by taking over our county government, we will be putting an exclamation point on the Democratic resurgence (and Republican collapse) in this county that only began a few years ago. But also, it would give us a chance to govern. It would let us protect open space and manage development in a smart manner. We could revitalize urban areas (always a source of Democratic strength). We can end their despicable practice of pay to play. And most importantly, we can govern responsibly. Some of you followed our recount here in the 156th State House District, where Barbara McIlvaine Smith prevailed and gave us control of the State House. It was the Board of Commissioners who decided what ballots to count and which to throw away. And as you can imagine, the Republicans tried to disenfranchise as many voters as possible, including military voters, just to try and win. Even our brave men and women fighting for this country weren't worthy of being allowed to vote in Republican eyes, simply for supporting a Democrat. We can govern responsibly, and we need to make sure we win so we can do it. That's why these offices are so important.

But they're also very important for the YDs. In many cases, especially in places where our party is still growing, there are openings for Young Democrats to run for Supervisor or School Board or county offices. We need to elect as many Young Democrats as possible and, frankly, none of us are going to be running for President or Senate soon. Most of us aren't even Constitutionally eligible. But we can run – and win – at the local level. In 2005, Josh Young, one of our Chester County YDs, was elected Commissioner of Caln Township. This year, another of your CCYDs, Kevin Fitzpatrick, is running for Recorder of Deeds. Not only are they getting campaigning experience (and in the case of Josh, governing experience) but they'll be ready to run for higher office someday soon.

These are also the races that YDs can make the biggest impact in. In 2006, we decided to focus on Representative McIlvaine Smith's race over any other race, in part because we knew we could make a difference. We did, she won by 23 votes. Now, most State House races aren't going to be that close. But a lot of local races will be. It only takes a few Young Dems to make some phone calls, go door-to-door, do a lit drop or work the polls for us to win these races.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is any possible way to end this post without sounding like a dorky public service announcement. But I'm willing to take that bullet. Remember, 2007 shouldn't be an off year for us, it should be our chance to make a difference.

-Dan Tyman
PAYD Corresponding Secretary

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And now, a note from our Intern

Politics is my life and I am very enthusiastic thinking about all that can be accomplished through political means. Pursuing my degree in Political Science is often looked down upon by my peers and friends. The reason this occurs is because people have such a distorted vision of what politics actually entales and what the processes are for passing legislation and accomplishing policy objectives. The average person only sees the negative side of politics, but does not see the positive results that political activity can accomplish.

Interning for the Pennsylvania Young Democrats, I have seen this positive side of politics, through the people and organization. Working with Executive Director Paul McKrell, I have obtained and gained many life lessons and political skills that I will carry with me in my endeavors. Each day I go to work knowing that I am working for an organization that is doing what the young people want and accomplishing many goals for the Democratic Party. This organization has many things to offer and I am pleased that I have had the privilege of working for such a great cause and group of people!

Tim Knecht,
Intern, PA Young Democrats
Vice-President, PA College Democrats

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sunshine Patriot

Henry David Thoreau wrote, “be not merely good; be good for something.” There are plenty of good people in this party, but it is not enough just to be good. Goodness without action leaves evil in motion.

There are also plenty of people in this party who appreciate the rights that being an American citizen confers. However, rights do not exist unless people take on the responsibility to define and defend them. For good people to have the rights and opportunities they deserve they have to take on the responsibility of doing what it takes to advance their beliefs.

Rights and responsibility… there has always been a balance in America society. In our Founders earliest thoughts they united their belief in great principles… to their recognition of the responsibility that must be undertaken to preserve them. In the Declaration of Independence they said “[w]e hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, they added “[t]hat to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” Our rights don’t just exist we must secure them, define and defend them.


There has never been a time when the ideals we live by, such as Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Individuality faced graver threats than they do in the 21st Century. Now more than ever, we need young people charging ahead, leading by example, changing the status quo and righting our ship of state. Our generation cannot be content to leave the world as we found it, otherwise there might not be much left for the next generation.

Each and every one of you are, right now, capable of being an active participant in bettering our condition. Young people have been unfairly characterized in our society and, no one seems to expect excellence from our young people. However, in looking at the current state of affairs, we cannot afford to expect anything but excellence from this generation. The coming years may indeed be times that try men’s souls. America, your communities, and this world – more than ever – needs this generation to be the next great generation. More than ever we cannot afford the sunshine patriot and those that shrink from the service of their country, our communities and our party.

If you love America you will serve it and its citizens.

These thoughts were offered by Tim Brennan, PAYD's National Committeeman on the occasion of our nations 231st birthday.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

You and Me in the Big D

YDA Convention
PAYD has 7 remaining slots open to join our delegation in Dallas July 18-21 at the Young Democrats of America Convention. Confirmed speakers include Presidential candidate John Edwards. Scholarships are available.

PAYD President Payton and our delegation will vote on a new Executive Board to succeed YDA President Chris Gallaway's board. Under Gallaway's leadership, YDA has grown from a budget of less than $50,000 in 2002 to over $2,500,000 in 2007. Pennsylvania has received ample financial help over the years, including two immensely successful campaign programs, so come and help us work to continue our partnership with YDA in Dallas.

To apply to this golden opportunity to network with young Democrats from around the country, listen to dynamic speakers, attend invaluable workshops, and enjoy some Southern hospitality with the new PAYD board, please reply to this email.

Come Commit to a Committee!


The Pennsylvania Young Democrats are currently accepting applications to serve on one of our standing committees. Zzzzzz, zzzzzzz, zzzzzzzz. No seriously, people, wake up and read!
You know how you are always talking about getting involved?
Always musing that if only there was something substantial for you to do, you'd do it?
Always talking a good game about being down with transforming your generation?
O, yes, yes, I know you too well. It's time to put up - it's your golden opportunity to get active!
Join our new board, including President Tony Payton Jr and Vice President Chelsa Wagner, two elected rising stars in the PA State House, and change the face of Pennsylvania politics by joining our organization in an official capacity.
We need you to serve on one of these six committees:
Constitution, Communications, Community Service, Campaigns, Finance, or Policy and Research.
The most immediate need is for your help in reshaping, rewording and revising our Constitution. Simply put, it's a mess.
Please indicate your preference of committee and send your resume and/or a brief description of your relevant history to The deadline to receive applications is July 6, 2007. President Payton, Vice President Wagner and the board will then review your applications.
(O, and by the way, in case you are confused, the picture above is not an actual picture of a PAYD committee - it is, however, a desperate plea for help. If you join our Communications Committee, such horribly awkward graphics will never be used again.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We the People....Need a New PAYD Constitution

Let me take a second to introduce myself so that the first words to come to your mind aren’t “Who is this girl and why is she babbling?” Well, to answer the initial question, my name is Becca Sammon, and I am your brand spanking new Recording Secretary. First, I want to thank everyone who supported me, and told me that I could do it! You guys know who you are and you are absolutely awesome! I am quite honored to serve with such phenomenal young leaders as Representative Tony Payton, Jr., Representative Chelsa Wagner, Timmy Brennan, Tara Reynolds, Alex Reber and Dan Tyman.

While I am proud to be from NEPA (Luzerne County!), I went to college at Temple University, and law school at the University of Pittsburgh, so I have spent significant amounts of time on both ends of our great commonwealth. I am a proud member of Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, and a HUGE Temple Basketball fan. (GO OWLS!)

I need your help to accomplish one of my first tasks as Recording Secretary. It is absolutely necessary for our constitution to be revised. In order to successfully achieve this goal, we need some quality committee members, and we need to start NOW. In order to comply with the current Constitution and By-Laws, we must present any changes to the membership 90 days in advance, thus, if we want to vote on new by-laws at our September convention, these must be submitted to the membership by the middle of July.

The ideal committee member would be hard working, dedicated, and ready to get to work straight away. While it would be great to have some people with some legal training, I think that the best possible board would have people with varied knowledge bases. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact me at I promise a great experience, and would be an excellent resume builder. Come on, you know you want to!

Looking forward to working with each of you!


Recording SecretaryPennsylvania Young Democrats

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

PAYD Elects New Leadership!

The Pennsylvania Young Democrats announce the election of a new Executive Committee headed by two of the commonwealth’s brightest rising stars.

State Representative Tony Payton Jr. (left) of Philadelphia was chosen as PAYD’s new president and State Representative Chelsa Wagner (right) of Pittsburgh was selected as PAYD’s new vice-president in a vote attended by Young Democrats from across Pennsylvania this past Saturday in Harrisburg.

“We are honored to have attracted leaders like Tony and Chelsa to guide our organization into 2008. Their enthusiasm to serve as our chief officers confirms our past record of accomplishment and strengthens our reputation as Pennsylvania's premiere political organization for youth,” said Paul McKrell, PAYD Executive Director.

Rep. Payton was unanimously elected to replace outgoing PAYD President Yarone Zober, Chief of Staff to Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl. Under Mr. Zober’s leadership, the organization underwent unprecedented growth, including a doubling in membership and chapters. Mr. Zober’s most important accomplishment was securing funding for PAYD’s first full time Executive Director and PAYD’s successful peer-to-peer young voter program, which oversaw the efforts of dozens of paid canvassers and numerous volunteer organizers in their work in Congressmen Murphy’s and Altmire’s districts in 2006.

“We are excited to have such diverse talent representing every corner of the state on our new board. Tony has assembled a great team to move PAYD forward into another winning year for Democrats in Pennsylvania,” said McKrell.

The rest of Rep. Payton’s newly elected board includes Tim Brennan, Tara Reynolds, Alex Reber, Dan Tyman and Rebecca Sammon. A brief biography for each new officer follows.

PAYD President Tony Payton Jr. was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 179th District in Philadelphia County in 2006. Before running for office he worked as a housing counselor at United Communities in South Philadelphia. He has been active in his community helping found the Icon Community Corporation, a non-profit organization that assists in bridging the gap in reading disparities among school-aged youth. He served as treasurer of PA PAC for Progress and for the Philadelphians Against Santorum campaign, as well as completed a fellowship with the Center for Progressive Leadership. He holds active memberships in the Philadelphia’s Young Nonprofit Leaders (PYNL), the Young America PAC, and the Social Action Committee. Rep. Payton is a contributor to the Young Philly Politics Web site, and co-chair of Students for Progressive Ethics Amendments and Reform (S.P.E.A.R).

PAYD Vice-President Chelsa Wagner was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 22nd District in Allegheny County in 2006. She holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago, where she was a member of the women's varsity basketball team, and is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh Law School, where she was the recipient of the Community Service Award. Prior to being elected, Rep. Wagner worked as a plaintiff's attorney specializing in medical malpractice. She has also worked as a policy analyst reforming large state governments throughout the country.

PAYD National Committeeman Tim Brennan graduated from Ursinus College and the Widener University School of Law. He volunteers for and has founded a number of charitable, legal, community and Democratic organizations, has been published in the fields of equine law and redistricting law and has lectured at the Dickinson School of Law. A member of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bar, Mr. Brennan was appointed Assistant Solicitor for the City of Bethlehem in 2005 by Mayor John B. Callahan.

PAYD National Committeewoman Tara Reynolds is from Allegheny County. She is currently a board member of the National Stonewall Democrats and Community Human Services Corporation located in the South Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh. She is a member of the PA Democratic State Committee and has consulted on numerous campaigns in Western Pennsylvania. Ms. Reynolds works for the Women's Law Project and is finishing a degree at Carlow University.

PAYD Treasurer Alex Reber recently graduated from Lebanon Valley College in December 2006 with a dual major in Business Administration and Accounting and a minor in Political Science. A co-founder of his College Democrats chapter, he has been involved with the PA Young Democrats for the past three years. Last summer Mr. Reber was a finance intern on Senator Bob Casey’s campaign and is presently working as a Senior Accountant at Miller Dixon Drake in Harrisburg.

PAYD Corresponding Secretary Daniel Tyman of Chester County is a graduate of West Chester University. He has been involved in Chester County politics for the past few years, including as Secretary of the Chester County Democratic Committee. Mr. Tyman currently serves as President of the Chester County Young Democrats, an organization he led through their efforts to elect Congressman Joe Sestak, State Senator Andrew Dinniman and State Rep. Barbara McIlvaine-Smith.

PAYD Recording Secretary Rebecca Sammon of Luzerne County started her career as a field operative for Kerry/Edwards 2004 in Northeastern Pennsylvania. She served as Campaign Manager for newly elected State Representative Mike Carroll in 2006. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, where she earned her JD, and of Temple University, where she earned her BA in Classics and Political Science, Ms. Sammon works for the Democratic Caucus in Harrisburg as a research analyst.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

But, do they do windows?

On Saturday, April 21st the Dauphin County Young Democrats got down and dirty on the streets of downtown Harrisburg. We slipped on our gloves, grabbed handfuls of trash bags, and headed to the streets to beautify the capitol city.

April 22nd was the Governor’s annual Great PA Cleanup. The Dauphin County Young Democrats wanted to exercise our political belief of a healthy environment and become more active within the greater community.

Many people probably would not expect picking up trash would be fun; however, our members had a blast. We joked, goofed around, and enjoyed the beautiful weather while picking up leavings, trash, and other unmentionables from the streets.

When we finally finished, each of us had a sense of accomplishment. You could see the difference where we had cleaned. Many spectators of the day commented on how active the Dauphin County Young Democrats were. It was an great event with great people working for an great, clean cause.

-John Campbell
Dauphin County Young Democrats

Sunday, April 15, 2007

There's gonna be a new mayor in town

Five candidates; Chaka Fattah, Bob Brady, Dwight Evans, Tom Knox, and Michael Nutter, are running hard for the nomination of the Democratic Party in the race to become the next Mayor of Philadelphia. In a wide open campaign every candidate is trying to capture the attention and votes of young voters. Check out their websites for more information:

The Philadelphia Young Democrats have been getting involved by promoting voter registration before the May 15th Primary, and educating citizens on the other elections taking place this year.

In addition to Philadelphia's Mayoral race, City Council, and Judgeships are also in play this year. We recently organized a successful meet and greet, Judges & Junkfood, that allowed young democrats to meet judicial candidates. It was a lot of fun, and informational for all involved.

Check out our site for more information and make sure to register to vote!

-The Philadelphia Young Democrats

Chester County Revolution

Since most of you reading this are probably from one of the other 66 counties in our great Commonwealth, let me give you a little background on one of the three original counties. We're the wealthiest county in Pennsylvania. We have a large rural area, we have many wealthy suburbs. The Democratic Party has been in the minority here for as long as there has been a party. The only Democratic Presidential candidate we've voted for in the past 90 years was LBJ. We hadn't had a Democrat represent our county since 1893.

Last year, we've elected Andrew Dinniman to the State Senate, helped send Joe Sestak to the US Congress, went 65% for Ed Rendell and 55% for Bob Casey. And of course we elected Barbara McIlvaine Smith to the State House, giving our party Democratic control for the first time since the early 90s. What happened here?

Obviously, there are certain factors out of our control. Demographic shifts have been significant. More Democrats are moving into the county, and that has helped. And we've also been well served by the way Republicans have ruined their own party. As the hard-core conservatives have taken over, a lot of moderate Republicans have been driven out of the party here. Barb herself was a Republican until about six years ago, when she became fed up with them and switched her registration. We definitely need to hope that the GOP doesn't learn their lesson: radical values are not popular here, and probably aren't anywhere else in this state.
But that alone wouldn't be enough to put us over the edge. The lesson worth learning here is that we need to work everywhere, and we need Young Democrats to win.

Only 10 years ago it would've been inconceivable to think that we'd start trending blue. I was only 10 when Bill Clinton ran in 1992, but neither then nor in his re-elect did I ever see a Clinton sign. This area was as Republican as you could imagine. But through lots of hard work we narrowed the gap. Now, we're able to go from a firewall for them, to a hotly contested area, and if we can keep working, make it solidly blue. There's no reason we can't replicate this in Adams and York and Dauphin and Lancaster Counties, and really anywhere. It was the people who ran for these offices here in Chester County back when it was a pipe-dream that we'd win who made it possible for us to win now.

We've begun something here we call our 73 Municipality Strategy. In Chester County, we have 73 different townships, boroughs and even a city. Our Democratic base had been the city of Coatesville, the borough of Phoenixville and my home town of West Chester (which has only become a Democratic town in the last decade). But when State Senator Dinniman ran, he won (sometimes handily) in very Republican and very rural townships. Our party has become extremely organized and active in some very wealthy Republican areas (like Tredyffrin and Willistown) and even in the mostly rural southern part of our county. We don't take any vote for granted and work to build the party everywhere.

It's vital that we do the same in Pennsylvania. Of course Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will always play important roles, they're world class cities and Democratic strongholds. But we need to focus on all 67 counties. Philadelphia went for John Kerry by 412,000 votes, and that was vital to us winning the state. But Monroe County only missed going for Kerry by four votes. Would it have effected the outcome? No. But it'd be an important step in turning Monroe blue. Some might ask, why would we want to focus on Bedford County? John Kerry only received 26% of the vote. Well, in 1972 George McGovern barely matched that here, and in 2008 we're going to go Democratic. We need to start somewhere, and who better than the Young Democrats to start it?

Maybe the most important thing to take out of this though is the power that young people can wield. We here in the Chester County Young Democrats made this race our #1 priority. Now, we had a lot of races to pick from: Joe Sestak (our #2 priority), Lois Murphy, Ed Rendell, Bob Casey and other state house races. But we chose Barb because she has consistently reached out to us and made young people feel both welcome and important in her campaign. This is exactly what all candidates need to do: realize that we're more than just foot soldiers, but can be valuable parts of campaigns and make a difference. Because we did it here.

Dan TymanPresident, Chester County Young Democrats

Guest Blogging!

During my brief absence from the commonwealth, I've asked Alex Reber to coordinate our blogging activity.

In the coming days, we hope to keep your interest posting entries from around the state for young Democrats and by young Democrats.

-Paul McKrell

Thursday, April 12, 2007


This December I graduated from Lebanon Valley College. The one thing I knew I would miss was all the fun with my friends in the College Dems. I had just started a job in Harrisburg, PA and was hoping to make some new friends (yes, even accountants need friends!). I went to my first meeting of the Dauphin County Young Democrats and was already among friends. In the sometimes small world of active Democrats in Central PA, I realized I already knew a few of the people there.

Soon I was on their Happy Hour email list and was invited to participate in parties, outings, lunches, community service and of course, political activities. Not only did the Young Dems fill a need to be politically active, it also helped my transition from college to the real world.

I think anyone who enjoyed their time in the College Dems, should defiantely look up their closest chapter of the Young Dems as soon as they get settled in the real world. Not only does it help you stay connected to the Democratic Party, but its a lot of fun too!

-Alex Reber
PAYD Regional Coordinator

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sign This!

Our petition to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party to include youth in their affirmative action guidelines is now available on-line.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Do you want to be a Delegate to the Convention?

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party unveiled its Pennsylvania Delegate Selection Plan to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Unfortunately, the current plan does not include youth as a constituency group that deserves representation goals in its affirmative action guidelines. In another words, unlike other important groups, Pennsylvania youth are not promised seats at the Convention.

The DNC Charter, a document which is described as "the Constitution of the Democratic Party", actually requires state parties to give seats at the convention to young people based on our percentage of the Democratic vote. Unfortunately, this 30 year-old provision has been ignored by the DNC.

We are asking the Pennsylvania Democratic Party to join other enlightened states like California and Michigan and include youth. As the state parties in Georgia and Virginia can attest, it is easy to alter the delegate plan in order to include youth.

Over the years, the Pennsylvania Young and College Democrats have been exceedingly grateful for the support that Governor Rendell, Chairman Rooney (pictured right) and former Executive Director Morabito have shown to young people. We must now ask them to continue their dedication to our partnership by giving Pennsylvania youth a voice in Denver.

Not only do we deserve these seats because the DNC charter clearly states it, but because Pennsylvania youth have proven to be a consistently Democratic voting bloc! As we have reported before, statistics show that the most reliable age group for either party in our
commonwealth is Democrats under 30. When young people vote, they vote for Democrats, and they are voting in greater numbers than ever before!

Chairman Rooney has graciously opened the delegate selection plan for public comment. It's vital that we share with him our intention to have our voice heard in Denver. Instead of jamming the party's email account with your messages, we will deliver them to our state party's new executive director, Mary Isenhour, in Harrisburg.

Please send your comments to Nothing eloquent is required - simply typing your name and address is enough to let our party know that you want Pennsylvania youth to have a voice in Denver.
Democratically yours,
The Pennsylvania Young Democrats


The following article is courtesy of the Young Democrats of America. It outlines the national effort to have youth included in the delegate selection plan of the DNC and answers many of the underlying questions that will be posed by our state party.

Frequently Asked Questions

The delegate selection process and how it relates to the DNC’s governing documents is fairly complicated. As a result, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

Q. What is Delegate Selection?
A. Delegate Selection is the process of choosing the over 4,000 delegates who will travel to Denver, Colorado in July, 2008 to formally nominate the candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. Delegates are elected, or selected in some cases, by each state. They also pass the Party Platform.

Q. How long has the DNC Charter required goals and timetables for youth in the Delegate Selection Process?
A. Since, 1974, when the DNC Charter was amended to add the words “minority groups, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian/Pacifics, Hispanics, women and youth” requiring “specific goals and timetables” for representation.

Q. Why was this provision ignored for over 30 years by the DNC?
A. It was likely just an oversight by the Rules and Bylaws Committee when the language of the Delegate Selection Rules were updated in 1976. Because each year the language of the previous convention is the draft rules used for the next one, it just continued to be left out every four years. If the DNC wanted to take out the requirement for youth, there have been over 50 chances for the DNC to amend the charter since 1976 to do so.

Q. How was this discovered and why is this coming up now?
A. In early stages of preparing YDA’s plan to convince more young democrats to run for convention delegate slots, YDA noticed the “youth” language for the first time. This must be dealt with now because state parties are already writing their plans for the 2008 Convention, and it must be clear that youth goals are required by the Charter, not suggested.

Q. Doesn’t the DNC staff says that the DNC Convention removed youth from required goals in 1980?
A. The current Charter, as written, still includes the word youth when describing “goals and timetables”. The Convention passed a resolution in 1980 listing other groups for goals, but that did NOT remove youth from the Charter. Only an amendment to the Charter can take youth out and remove the requirement. Any rules or Bylaws that are passed cannot override the Charter.

Q. Are you saying the historic disenfranchisement and exclusion of the ethnic minorities listed in the same section of the charter as youth is comparable to what young people face?
A. No. By no means is that our argument. Our issue is solely that the DNC enforce the rules that is has had on the books for 30 years. If youth was NOT listed in the Charter, we would NOT be asking the DNC to add it to the Charter at this time. In fact, when LGBT and Disabled Americans attempted to expand the number of groups listed for required goals, YDA did not pursue that change to include youth. This is simply about enforcing the charter as it is written.

Q. Is it true that having goals for youth will make it harder for the other groups, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and Asian Pacific Islanders and Women to get delegate positions?
A. No. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Because youth is not exclusive of any of those groups, states will be encouraged to elect young people, who are also a member of one of those ethnicities, because they will help meet two goals of their plans. The goals are all based on percentages of the Democratic electorate. If a state has a 31% African American population in the Democratic electorate, 31% of the Delegates should be African American. And if 20% of the Democratic electorate is young, then 20% of the Delegates should be youth. However, these groups overlap, just like the requirement that 50% of the Delegates be women. So if you have a woman who is African American and 30 years old. That person would help meet three of the goals. So, states trying to meet and exceed their goals will not only be encouraged to elect more young people, they will be encouraged to elect more young people who are also African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian Pacific Islander or Women.

Q. The DNC Charter says youth, but the Delegate Selection Rules that the DNC passed don’t. Don’t we need to follow the Delegate Selection Rules?
A. The DNC Charter is the highest governing authority of the Democratic Party. No rules, at any level, can be passed that are in conflict with the DNC Charter. Just because the Rules are silent on youth, does not mean that the Charter which requires youth can be ignored.

Q. Didn’t the LGBT community and the Disability community try to make this change at the last DNC meeting and ended up settling for “suggested” goals rather than “required” goals?
A. They did attempt to be groups that goals were required for, rather than suggested. And, they did settle for language that “suggests” goals. However, neither of these two groups are listed in the DNC Charter for required Delegates.

Q. Do the Delegates actually choose who runs for President and Vice President for the Democratic Party?
A. Yes. The Convention formally nominates the candidates, and then each state places the names nominated by the Convention on the ballot under the Democratic Party. However, the process of electing those delegates begins long before July. So, even though the delegates don’t vote until July, most presidential candidates have enough delegates who have been elected early in the process, by March or April, so that it is clear who will have the majority of delegates at the convention. Similar to how members of the US House were elected in November. So we knew when they convened in January, there would be enough Democrats to elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Most candidates will know before July if they have enough delegates to be nominated for President.

Q. What are “goals and timetables” for Delegate Selection?
A. Many groups have been under-represented in the Democratic Party leadership over the years. These groups include Women, African American, Hispanics, Asian Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Youth, LGBT Americans, and Disabled Americans. States are required to set goals for electing a certain number of members for certain groups because in the past, these groups have been under-represented. Currently, the DNC Charter requires that states set goals for all of the groups mentioned except for LGBT American and Disabled Americans. The DNC formally suggests that goals be set for those two groups.

Q. Is a goal a quota?
A. A goal is specifically NOT a quota under the DNC rules. If a goal is set, the State Parties who elect Delegates, and the Presidential Candidates, who approve candidates who are running for Delegate to represent them at the convention, are required to do their best to ensure that the goals are met, or exceeded for full participation. However, the goal number provided is not a quota.

Q. What do you mean by “Democratic Electorate”?
A. This refers to the percentage of people that vote for the Democratic Candidate for President in the last election. It is not the same as the % of people that live in a state, because the people that vote Democratic are slightly different. So, if 100 people in State A voted for John Kerry. And 30 of those were under 36, then 30% of the Delegates to the next convention should be under 36. But, there are 300 people who live in the State, and 45 of those are under 36. Meaning that 15% of the State is young. But, because the young people that voted, voted 2 to 1 for Kerry, they have a higher percentage of the electorate than they do of the population.


Are you a blogging genius? We are looking for some volunteers to help make our page snazzy - you know, so the hipsters, the technoratti and the Arkansas Young Democrats won't laugh at us. Email if you can lend a hand.
O, and I just liked this cartoon. That's the tyranny I possess as de facto blogmaster. :)
It reads: "Well, yes, we could read your blog...or you could just tell us about your school day."

New Blog!

Welcome to the Not-So-Official Blog of the Pennsylvania Young Democrats. Here, chapters will detail their trials and tribulations, members will instigate dialogues and discussions and the rabble will be roused. All opinions are solely the elucidations, bloviations and pontifications of the authors and not necessary the Pennsylvania Young Democrats as an organization.
Comments are encouraged, but be forewarned, ad hominem attacks against anyone are prohibited (ie, don't make it personal, yo.) Any individual who, in any way, says something we deem to be nasty about Governor Edward G. Rendell or Senator Robert P. Casey Jr. will be summarily executed.